• Market research experts
  • All qualitative and quantitative research solutions
  • Fieldwork services in Baltic countries, Belorussia, Poland and Ukraine
  • 22 years’ experience
  • Market research experts

    We provide you with insights, not just figures
  • All qualitative and quantitative research solutions

  • Fieldwork services in Baltic countries, Belorussia, Poland and Ukraine

  • 22 years’ experience

    in market research

We are members of

  • Logo Asocijacija
  • Logo Esomar
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Rinkos tyrimų partneriai

About us

UAB „Rinkos tyrimų centras“ (Market Research Center) is established by dr. Mindaugas Degutis and Edmundas Bražėnas, both of whom have more than 20 years’ experience in international market research companies.

Since 1997 partners of Market Research Center have implemented more than 1500 different market research projects in the financial, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, political, automotive and other sectors.

We own a network of trained interviewers in Baltic countries. Currently, the company has more than 250 interviewers to carry out face-to-face interviews, telephone surveys, and mystery shopping research across the country. We are the first company in Baltic countries that has started Online Community research services.

Together with our partners we can offer a full range of services of market research in Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. Market Research Center is a member of ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) MSPA (Mystery Shopping Providers Association) and the Lithuanian Market Research Association (RITA).




Managing Partner

25 years in market research, 10 of them as Research Director at Kantar TNS LT
Holds PhD since 2002. Lectures market research courses at Vilnius University
ESOMAR representative 2000 – 2008 for Lithuania
National reporter of Eurobarometer study since 2004.




20 years in market research, 10 of them as Head of Quantitative research at Kantar TNS LT
More than 1000 projects implemented in the pharmaceutical, retail, finance, consumer goods and other areas.
Conducted a number of seminars on application of marketing research in business.

Feedback about us

  • John Presutti

    John Presutti

    CEO, ESOMAR UAE Representative
    I had the opportunity to work the RTC team in Lithuania and was thoroughly impressed. The team at all levels provided a degree of professionalism and expertise across all phases of a complex multi-stage study. The insight and advice they provided regarding research design, sampling, and analysis, ensured a superior outcome that far exceeded our expectations. RTC provides great skill and expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research and I highly recommend them to any organization seeking a skilled and committed research partner for their projects in Lithuania. My evaluation of RTC is based on 25 years of conducting research globally and working with research partners in more than 75 countries.
  • D. Cibulskas

    D. Cibulskas

  • Gintaras Rutkauskas

    Gintaras Rutkauskas

    Managing Director
    A number of qual and quant studies have been recently coordinated by Market Research Center: Mystery shopper projects, Omnibus, Private Online Communities, U&A studies among target groups and other. We are satisfied with the services that meet our company's highest quality standards.

    Research tools


    • CAPI, CATI, CAWI solutions
    • Mystery shopping
    • Private online communities
    • National omnibus survey
    • Focus group discussions
    • In-depth interviews
    • Data analysis

    Research solutions

    We offer both standardized models and tailored, custom research solutions in the following areas:

    • Customer segmentation and understanding
    • Client satisfaction and loyalty management
    • Brand positioning
    • Product, package, pricing tests
    • Sales promotion, activation
    • Effectiveness of advertising, ad testing
    • Improvement of client service
    • Employee loyalty management
    • Improvement of company reputation
    • Public opinion surveys

    JSC Market Research Center



    Sporto st. 11, Vilnius, Lithuania


    Mindaugas Degutis
    +370 610 06640

    Edmundas Bražėnas
    +370 612 55922


    Mindaugas Degutis
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Edmundas Bražėnas
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Company information

    Company information

    Registration code: 302481756
    VAT: LT100005309619

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